Dawg days.
Things are heating up around here. Not surprising. I left the mansized tuber in charge of the thermostats. Bugger was born in a greenhouse, what the hell was I thinking? Well, summer is upon us, friends. No, not summer by the calendar, but rather summer by the sweat of the brow. Or so it goes in the northern climes of the northern hemisphere, on that land mass known as "North America", just below the mighty lake Ontario, maker of much snow in the darker months - a kind of ice goddess, if you will. (Hell, even if you won't .) It doesn't take much to raise the temperature in the abandoned Cheney Hammer Mill - all that brick, you know, baking in the direct sunlight, no trees to protect us. It's like spending a night in the box. Sure wish you stop trying to help me, Captain. Okay, so... what's my summer project going to be? Could be any of a number of things. As Big Green has no interstellar tour booked, I may play a few gigs with my old cover band, Putting On Th...