
Showing posts from June 20, 2010

Book him.

The difference between falling up and falling down is merely one of direction. How's that, Lincoln? Not pithy enough? All right, I'll keep trying. Oh, hi. Didn't notice you there, peering at me from the other side of this flat screen monitor I live in. Hope all is well at home. I'm just hanging out here in the delightfully abandoned Cheney Hammer Mill, having a little chat with our old friend Lincoln, who was carried here from yesteryear through the magic of Trevor James Constable's orgone generating device a year or two back. (That's a long way of saying hello - I know.) What are we chatting about? Funny you should ask. The usual topics that come up around here, like how many hammers were forged here, how long this place has been abandoned, and HOW THE HELL ARE WE EVER GOING TO MAKE ENOUGH MONEY TO GET A DECENT PLACE TO LIVE. (That last one's a bit of a sore spot. Not sure if you can tell.) Well, we've had a lot of ideas tossed around over the past few...

War fog.

Big story this week about Afghanistan. In fact, a remarkably big story. Unfortunately, it was overshadowed by that flap over the ambitious general, McChrystal, who I can only think must have been very tired of his posting. (What the hell - not enough detainees to abuse, like in Iraq?) Far more interesting than this tawdry act of insubordination was the release of a congressional report confirming Aram Roston's story in The Nation some months ago that detailed how our military resupply operations are actually generating a revenue stream for the Taliban, through bribery (the basic system of exchange in Afghanistan). Forget about the personalities involved here. We are, in essence, arming both sides. Shouldn't this be of greater concern? Hello? Most of the reporting on Afghanistan - the Rolling Stone article included - includes a kind of embedded imperial perspective. There's an underlying assumption that we should be in Afghanistan, that there is some legitimacy to our ent...