Send in the clones.
Trans-Martian insertion commence... four... three... two... one... one ... ONE! Commence, damnit! What's the matter with you clones? Geebus! I'm telling you, my friends - you just can't get good help these days, not anywhere. Not on Earth (our home planet). Not on Mars (our current place of business). Not in deep space (which separates Earth from Mars). As you may recall from our previous Web-based utterances (known as blog entries), we're running a little short-handed here in Big Green -land, particularly owing to the recent "brain drain" at the abandoned Cheney Hammer Mill. The more knowledgeable (and higher-paid) members of our contingent - mad scientist Mitch Macaphee and etheric energy specialist / inventor Trevor James Constable flew the coop, having grown tired of our slovenly ways, our peasant fare, our... general ripeness, if you will. Anyway, they lit off for Rio, Monaco, Paris, and pretty much anyplace better than the mill. So what the hell , we ...