Inside August (or September).
Hey, presto. Pulled a fast one on you last week, didn't we? Just when you least expect to see a new episode of THIS IS BIG GREEN, there it freaking is, plain as paper and twice as thick. As has been our practice, this featured another "musical" episode of our warped space opera Ned Trek, the only Star Trek parody that features an all-neocon crew, a Mormon captain, and a talking dressage horse as its first officer and moral compass. What's inside the podcast? Well, the best way to find out is to suffer through it. You can do it! Short of that drastic step, here's a brief guide to August's TIBG: Ned Trek 24: Whom Gods Deploy - This episode of Ned Trek is loosely based on the third season classic Star Trek episode, Whom Gods Destroy, the one with Captain (a.k.a. Lord) Garth, the inmate who takes over the space insane asylum and plans on conquering the universe. In our version, the inmate is George W. Bush, former imperial president, who spends his days on an...