Hard feelings.
Hey, what can I tell you? I didn't intend to piss him off, guys. Not my intention at all. Nor was it my intention to destroy the planet Jupiter. Furthest thing from my mind. Oh, hi. Just caught me in the middle of a little band meeting. (Bret? Here . Jermaine? Here . Murray? Here .) I'm being raked over the coals by my fellow Big Green members and our various hangers on - Mitch Macaphee (our mad science adviser), Lincoln, anti-Lincoln, Marvin (my personal robot assistant), the man-sized tuber... even Big Zamboola has chimed in. What's the "issue", as they say? Oh, hell... it's about our perennial sit-in guitarist from the planet Zenon, sFshzenKlyrn . He's been a house guest here at the abandoned Cheney Hammer Mill for the past week or so. That is to say, he was our guest, up until he departed yesterday in a bit of a Zenite huff. (How do I know? His radioactive vapor trail was tinged orange around the edges. Sure sign.) So, why the hurried departure? Was ...