Refried show.
Hey, Matt .. what was that joke about the wooden balls again? Oh, right. Nah ... it doesn't work very well without the visual. Scratch that. Oh, hello. We are, of course, working on the next installment of our podcast. It's like the freaking Forbin Project, for chrissake. Takes us months to write the sucker, record it, edit it, compose and record songs, cut it all together, upload it, then collapse in a heap. (That last part actually happens kind of quickly.) Sometimes you want to just shout, "Enough!", throw up your hands and walk away. Mic drop! But no, my friends, no ... the show must go on. That said, well ... it HAS been kind of a long time. So we dropped another installment of our Ned Trek podcast - that's the show that is just Ned Trek and no random jabbering between me and my brother. This month's installment is extracted from one of last year's THIS IS BIG GREEN episodes, Ned Trek 23: Mitt's Brain . Based on the Spock's Brain episode ...