Day job.
Did you hear that? Hmmmm.... no, neither did I, I guess. How about that ? You too? No. No, I didn't either. Okay, nevermind. See, here's the problem with trying something new - you just don't know how the hell to do it. I keep telling my colleagues this all of the time, but do they listen? No. Oh no, Joe, they tell me, I know just what I'm doing. And besides, bungee jumping off the Eiger doesn't seem all that challenging to me, at least from the comfort of my easy chair . You try to help a brother out, and that's what you get - a load of attitude, special delivery. I am depressed. I might have mentioned last week how, out of desperation, various members of the greater Big Green cohort have been ranging around this backwater town, looking for means of gainful employment, no matter how demeaning. Well, as you might expect, WAL*MART and Home Depot were not hiring our kind, so we've been forced to apply some creative thought to the problem. As it happens, some...