
Showing posts from July 4, 2010

Prep time.

Is Jupiter off? It's not? That doesn't sound like such a good idea, Admiral. In light of recent events, you know what I mean? You don't? Well.... I've got some 'splainin' to do. Hey, there. Just starting to plan out our trip to the outer limits. No, not the sixties television show - that was a piece of broadcast entertainment, not a place you can actually go to. I mean the outer limits of the space-time continuum, already - that dark pocket of nothingness where all of the demand for Big Green performances floats in a vacuum like a cork in a bathtub. We must pursue that cork, my friends, for it beckons. The cork beckons! Behold, the cork! Death to Moby Dick! Right, well.... be that as it may. (I've been hanging around with anti-Lincoln a bit too much lately - he sometimes doest this extended riff on Captain Ahab and, well, he's kind of convincing with that beard of his.) We must follow the demand, whatever cliff it may lead us off of. So, yeah... we...

Stuff and nonsense.

Just a few short takes this week. I've got a splitter of a headache - one of those neck and shoulder jobs. So my concentration is a bit compromised, but here goes. Again-and-againistan. That Rolling Stone reporter who wrote the recent article on Gen. McChrystal has drawn a lot of criticism from various mainstream corporate press mavens. No surprise there. They are so obsessed with covering the ball-game stories - the ins and outs of policy making, careers, and personalities - that they neglect to examine these stupid wars that have been dragging on year after year. How closely have any of them scrutinized the rationale behind this policy? Why the hell are we in Afghanistan? Our leaders say it's to disrupt and destroy Al Qaeda so that they cannot plan new attacks on us. But to the extent that people like Osama Bin Laden are involved in operational planning for global terror attacks, all he and his pals need is a room (or a cave, but I suspect a room) big enough for a white boa...