Big dog.

While most of the media focuses on health reform efforts in Washington, there's a lot going on in the area of global empire maintenance, now the responsibility of Mssr. Barack H. Obama, Esq. There are, of course, the ongoing wars of choice in Iraq and Afghanistan, with much of the attention focused on the U.S. soldier captured by an Afghan Taliban group. I did hear other news of the Afghan conflict this week - the Physicians for Human Rights call for a formal investigation into the 2002 Dasht-e-Leili massacre perpetrated by Afghan warlord (and soon to be military chief) General Dostum. This killing of hundreds - probably more than a thousand - Afghan prisoners of war was reported on shortly after it took place. The Bush defense department actively squelched any inquiry, even though FBI agents sent to Guantanamo had collected testimony from survivors of the massacre and felt an investigation into a possible U.S. role may have been warranted. Technically, as the occupying power, we would be considered responsible anyway, but given the circumstances it's hard to imagine some of our forces weren't at least aware of this war crime.

Just one bloody chapter in a nearly eight-year-old war that shows no sign of letting up. Our military people keep marching two-by-two into oblivion, just as they have in Iraq for the past six years, and we as a society seem unwilling and/or unable to put a stop to it. What exactly is the point, here? If we're propping up a government that gives a major post to a mass murderer like Dostum, how the hell is that different from having the Taliban run the joint? The ever-increasing military presence, the pilotless drone strikes, the bombings... all of this is hardening the populace's distrust for their American occupiers and setting off a chain reaction of violence that threatens neighboring Pakistan, as well. I have to think Obama knows the risks, and yet we continue. Before we had an arrogant imbecile in control - what's our excuse now?

I wish that were all, but it isn't. We've got Hillary Clinton dispatched to Asia, speaking of the dangers of purported North Korean nuclear proliferation to Myanmar (Burma), then hopping over to India to celebrate the nuclear proliferation deal that George W. Bush signed with that nation. Double standard? Well, we already had that going for us, obsessing over a possible Iranian bomb while refusing to officially acknowledge the presence of hundreds of Israeli nukes (a largely useless arsenal that will continue to prompt nuclear proliferation efforts in the Middle East). She and the administration have been making relatively encouraging noises on the Honduran coup, calling for the return of President Zelaya, but it seems to be having little effect. Unfortunately, the Honduran military is an institution designed not for national defense, but for "internal security" (i.e. keeping the peasants and workers in line), much like the many other militaries we helped foster in that region. Once you teach the little dog to bite, he may continue to do it, even if doggy daddy no longer wants him to.

If the administration is going to err, it should err on the side of justice. In the case of Honduras, frankly, we owe them. They are struggling with the military straitjacket we put them in decades ago. Let's help them undo the last buckles.

luv u,



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