Out with it.

Yeah, put it out to the curb. Don't complain. We could live in a lousier neighborhood. At least here, we have curbs. Think about it, man. No, really.... THINK.

Oh, hi. Glad to see you were able to take the time to stop by and read my little screed. Always edifying to see what your friends in Big Green are up to, eh? Perhaps edifying is not the right word. How about, better than cleaning toilets? If so, I would have to agree. (Of course, I have a proprietary interest here, I declare.)

You caught us in the midst of a little house cleaning. As you may know, we are preparing for our upcoming interstellar tour, which we are calling ENTER THE MIND 2010 - THE ULTIMATE BIG GREEN EXPERIENCE. Actually, I just tagged that last piece on at the request of Admiral Gonutz, our tour promoter. He seems to think we have a tendency to undersell. (Personally, the fact that we're selling at all feels like overselling to me. But I digress.) Gonutz is just full of ideas, like a freaking jelly donut. (Actually, Matt's taken to calling him Donutz, owing to a certain fondness on his part for Cumberland Farm fried cakes, but again... I digress...) Anywho, the admiral hopes a little hype will sweeten the deal on some of these remote venues. I am unconvinced.

Another thing he's gotten under his ludicrous headgear - he wants us to jettison all non-essential stuff. I don't mean from the spacecraft we have yet to rent. I mean pretty much everything around this old hammer mill that doesn't have some kind of nautical theme. [Note to Marvin (my personal robot assistant): that hideous mantle clock of yours is safe.] So we're carrying all manner of junk out to the side of the road for eventual pickup... very eventual, since we haven't paid our garbage collection fee in about three years. In fact, on the suggestion of Marvin, we're even carrying my tendency to digress out to the curb, in a basket.

More than likely, there will be a few leftover discs in the castoffs, so feel free to drop by the Hammer Mill and sift through the dross for... I don't know, more dross. I think Gonutz is trying to get us used to the idea of traveling light. Not sure he gets the electronic music equipment concept, since he mostly lives in the first quarter of the 19th century. (Matt noticed that he ordered some oversized rowing megaphones, perhaps for sound reinforcement. Someone needs to speak to him... as long as it isn't me.)

Junk at the curb? Sounds like a yard sale. Come on down. Tell them Gonutz sent you.


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