A fungible outcome.

Okay, who's going to Betelgeuse for the advance mission? Let's see a show of hands. I meant now, boys, right now. Is that it? Nearly one hand. Call it none.

Man oh Manischewitz, do I have to do everything myself? (No, I wasn't asking for a show of hands on THAT.) All I ask is a little cooperation on a deadly dangerous deep-space excursion, and I get nothing. Bunch of layabouts. Looks like I'll have to do it myself - just me and Marvin (my personal robot assistant). Yeah, I mean you, Marvin. I know you didn't put your hand up. What part of "my personal robot assistant" do you not understand, eh? Sheesh. I'm going to have to ask Mitch to program some obedience into that boy.... when he gets back from Mad Science-a-ganza in Sao Paolo. (Doesn't sound hugely scientific to me, but.... my studies were in the humanities.)

Yeah, you see, Tiny Montgomery (our sometimes booking agent) has arranged a performance in the Betelgeuse system as part of Big Green's upcoming [INSERT NAME HERE] Interstellar Tour 2011 - by "part of" I mean to say, it's the only gig he's booked thus far. (Tiny's getting a slow start.) Naturally, we're getting a little anxious about this seeming exception to Tiny's near unbroken record of rejection by the managers of interstellar music venues from here to Andromeda. I thought it only prudent that one of us should go out there and check the venue out. And hell, everyone thought it was a GREAT idea so long as they thought I would be doing the honors. But enough about that.

I have to say, truth be known, I prefer recording and broadcasting to live performances most days of the week. That's why Matt and I are working tirelessly (no tires needed, in fact) on our new audio podcast, THIS IS BIG GREEN!, the maiden episode of which should be posted in the upcoming weeks. What's it about? Well, my friend, it's the whole Big Green package - talk and jive, live performances (pre recorded, of course), rare sides, reviews, a promo or two. In short, we'll know when we get there. But one way or the other, here it comes. No, you don't have to thank us. All part of the service.

As always, we're just trying to get you more of what you like least about us. Hmmm... did I say that right? Hands?


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