Pod dunk.

Other alternatives, anyone? What would you do, Mitch? Well.... what the hell else is there to do? When faced with adversity, start a podcast.

Yeah, you heard me right. In the midst of preparing for Big Green's [INSERT NAME HERE] Interstellar Tour 2011 and of being ejected from our home of nearly ten years (the abandoned Cheney Hammer Mill), we've elected to launch a podcast. I know this sounds crazy, but ... hear me out. The world is full of blowhards and know-nothings. Fact is, a lot of blowhards are know-nothings. So the harder we blow, the less we know - follow me? And if we don't know we have problems, like impending eviction, for instance, well that's almost like not having any problems at all. An elegant solution, and it costs next to nothing... or at least a good deal less than our legal counsel was planning on charging us. (Anti-Lincoln has some rapacious per diem rates, I'm here to tell you. Just watch your ass.)

Why do we spend so much energy on pointless pursuits such as this? Because they are there, that's why. Would Sir Edmond Hillary climb that enormous hill-ary if it hadn't been there? Certainly not. We create the podcast ... and the other thing ... not because they are easy, but because they are hard. What do I mean - not sure. But it may make its way into my first inaugural, or into Anti-Lincoln's third inaugural (once removed). He's always looking for new material. Not sure why he's looking here, but... I digress.

Fact is, no, the podcast is not all we've been up to. Fact is, we're recording songs again, filling the hours between forays into the outer reaches of the galaxy in search of lucrative performance opportunities. We're patching together new takes of older songs in the Big Green catalog - songs from beyond time, as it were. Lots of 'em. My method is simple. I have Matt pull out his various guitars and play them into a microphone. I press one button when he starts and another when he's finished. That's what we call "collaboration". Try it sometime, Monty.

All right, actually, I am doing parts as well, and Marvin (my personal robot assistant) is putting down some scratch rhythm tracks. (They sound very scratchy, actually. I think he needs a little oil.) Still, while we're doing that, go and check out our podcast. Be sure to block your eyes - it's an audio podcast.


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