Season's greetings to you all. And we of Big Green say hello as well, whatever the so-called "season" may have to say. (Who ever heard of a talking season?)
Just writing whilest we're having a little Thanksgiving layover on Titan, moon of Saturn, mother of all Tofurky. (Yes, this is where it comes from.) Taking a little break from the feasting, conversing, and pontificating (Anti-Lincoln is back on his Mexican-American War soapbox again), so this is a good time to open the mail, it seems. Most of our inquiries appear to be about our podcast, THIS IS BIG GREEN, so let's start with this:
Dear Big Green:
On your podcast, I heard you read a bogus letter asking why so many of your songs are about war. You, of course, never answered the question to anyone's satisfaction. I now challenge you to do this thing. What is with the war kick?
Gen. Douglas MacArthur (deceased)
Well, General - thanks for listening to our podcast, first of all. Why do we write about war? I don't know. Why do we write about Christmas? Sure, we're not soldiers, but then we're not practicing Christians, so neither makes sense. I guess you could say we're just ranging around for material, grabbing anything that doesn't run away screaming. (And some things that do.) Sometimes we ask Marvin (my personal robot assistant) to name themes for us using his autonomic radomizer. We're that desperate, dude.
Here's another:
Dear Big Green:
I've listened to your previously unreleased songs. They sound, well, half-baked. Is that intentional, or are you just too damn lazy to finish them?
Phil Specter (deceased)
Hey, Phil - it's a fair question. Yeah, the previously unreleased songs on the podcast are, in fact, literally half-baked. They are first drafts, if you will (or even if you won't), of recordings for our next collection of material. We're planning to track the better ones and release them under separate cover. These initial recordings are basically Matt and I playing the songs like we do as a two-man band, with a basic rhythm track, guitar, keys, vocals. That's it. No wall of sound yet. We're working on the sheet rock right now, man. Patience!
Whoa, is that the time? Back to the Tofurky fest for me. Cheers.
Just writing whilest we're having a little Thanksgiving layover on Titan, moon of Saturn, mother of all Tofurky. (Yes, this is where it comes from.) Taking a little break from the feasting, conversing, and pontificating (Anti-Lincoln is back on his Mexican-American War soapbox again), so this is a good time to open the mail, it seems. Most of our inquiries appear to be about our podcast, THIS IS BIG GREEN, so let's start with this:
Dear Big Green:
On your podcast, I heard you read a bogus letter asking why so many of your songs are about war. You, of course, never answered the question to anyone's satisfaction. I now challenge you to do this thing. What is with the war kick?
Gen. Douglas MacArthur (deceased)
Well, General - thanks for listening to our podcast, first of all. Why do we write about war? I don't know. Why do we write about Christmas? Sure, we're not soldiers, but then we're not practicing Christians, so neither makes sense. I guess you could say we're just ranging around for material, grabbing anything that doesn't run away screaming. (And some things that do.) Sometimes we ask Marvin (my personal robot assistant) to name themes for us using his autonomic radomizer. We're that desperate, dude.
Here's another:
Dear Big Green:
I've listened to your previously unreleased songs. They sound, well, half-baked. Is that intentional, or are you just too damn lazy to finish them?
Phil Specter (deceased)
Hey, Phil - it's a fair question. Yeah, the previously unreleased songs on the podcast are, in fact, literally half-baked. They are first drafts, if you will (or even if you won't), of recordings for our next collection of material. We're planning to track the better ones and release them under separate cover. These initial recordings are basically Matt and I playing the songs like we do as a two-man band, with a basic rhythm track, guitar, keys, vocals. That's it. No wall of sound yet. We're working on the sheet rock right now, man. Patience!
Whoa, is that the time? Back to the Tofurky fest for me. Cheers.