Back to ground.

Okay, then. Is that a wrap? What? It's already the holiday season? What happened to freaking October? Okay, then... so it's a Christmas wrap. Satisfied?

Oh, hi. Yeah, I know. After ten weeks on the road, tempers wear a little thin. What, you got a PROBLEM with that? (Sorry. I'll start again.) Post Thanksgiving slump. This shipboard life is not for me; nor, apparently, is it for anyone else on board. Speaking of bored ... this business of bobbing around the solar system is bloody tiresome. I don't know how sFshzenKlyrn stands it, year after year, millennium after millennium. It's just as well that he's a transcendental etheric life form that ignores all boundaries between space, time, and whatever. (Especially the whatever. The man simply cannot take anything seriously.)

And then there's Marvin (my personal robot assistant). He's bouncing around this tin can like... like a robot in a tin can. Of course, he always gets antsy this time of year, when the big robotics convention is taking place back on Earth. He is constantly checking the Web for updates, seeing if any big strides have been made. Always has to be in the vanguard, our Marvin. Get used to it, man - one day, time leaves all of us behind. It's freaking inevitable. In fact, it's the great hairy screaming inevitable that is our universe. Who cares if some table-top tractor can solve equations faster than you do? You still can.... well.... lift very heavy things...

And then there's the marigolds, the marigolds. What? Sorry... there are no marigolds. Oxygen is running a little thin in this rattletrap we call a spacecraft. We're somewhere between Jupiter and five miles away from Jupiter, running low on fuel, supplies, and what-not. Ever run out of what-not on an interstellar voyage? You do NOT want to know how awful that can be.

So anyway... it's back to Earth for us, or the Earth that will be left when we return - an Earth wracked by climate change, war, illness, poverty, and rapacious corporate greed. Home sweet freaking home, just in time to do our annual Christmas Special podcast. Stay tuned!


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