Eyes wide open.

I suppose if I'm going to rant about anything this week, it's going to be the election. Election years are always nerve-wracking, like a slow-motion train wreck. They make me feel, more than ever, that we as a nation are sleep-walking into history. The notion that we can be on the knife-edge of electing someone like Mitt Romney president - that working people of any persuasion (to say nothing of retirees) would ever consider voting for that overpaid fichus tree in a suit - is simply flabbergasting.

To be certain, Obama has not acted boldly enough on the economy, on basic issues of human rights, and so on. That's a given. But let us not forget how we got into this hole in the first place. We had eight years of Dubya Bush, during which time he and his fellow cartoon pirates started two wars, established torture as an open instrument of foreign policy, blew an enormous hole in the federal budget with two rounds of wartime tax cuts, let New Orleans be destroyed, crashed the economy into what has turned out to be a milder version of the Great Depression, and quite a bit more. They did so with the full cooperation of a Republican led congress for six full years, and effective Republican control for the remaining two. (The Dems' razor-thin majority 2007-2009 didn't buy them much.)

I find it hard to blame anyone for falling into cynicism with regard to the two-party duopoly we call American democracy. In too many ways, there isn't a dime's worth of difference between the two major parties. But there are enough differences to make it worth the time and effort (and in some states, it will take both time and effort - I'm looking at you, Ohio!) to cast a decisive vote against Romney and the G.O.P. congress. Not that this is all one has to do to move the country in the right direction - far from it. But the consequences of doing nothing on election day are ... well, we've seen them. (See paragraph #2.) The Republicans get worse every cycle they hold power. If they take it again this time, they will gut the remaining social safety net (frayed as it is), throw millions out of work through forced austerity, drive us into recession, start another war, build a transcontinental pipeline to carry toxic sludge to the gulf where it can be turned into diesel fuel and sold to China, and... well, you've heard the rest.

I'm not asking you to ignore Obama's failings. Resist, of course. But don't think replacing him with a clueless millionaire won't drive us into a deeper hole. We can't afford to take that trip again. Vote with your eyes open ... but for @$%# sake, vote.

luv u,



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