This Is Big Green: Holidaze 2012
This Is Big Green: Holidaze (December) 2012
Big Green marks the pagan holiday known as Christmas with a full-blown installment of Ned the talking horse, three new Big Green songs, and more. Dig it.
This is Big Green - Holidaze 2012. Features: 1) Ned Trek V, starring Mr. Ned, Romney's Dancing Horse; 2) Skit: Charlie in the Box and the first semi-automatic Christmas; 3) Put the phone down: Holidays and the recently departed remembered; 4) Song: Merry Christmas, Children, by Big Green; 5) Song: Father Christmas, by Big Green; 6) Song: Martha's Christmas, by Big Green; 7) Song: Christmas Spirit, by Big Green; 8 ) Matt's encounter with an invasive species; 9) Song: Head Cheese Log, by Big Green; 10) We collapse in festive exhaustion
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