Crock tears.

Rumor has it they used to wait until the person they despise was cold in the ground before excoriating them. Now, not so much. So Hugo Chavez, elected president of Venezuela three times (four if you count the recall) is called a "strong man" and "steadfast ally of dictators" who "showered the poor with social programs". Rest in peace, anyone?

Chavez I'm not surprised to hear this kind of claptrap on NPR news (known around my house as "Empire News"), particularly since their point man on Latin America - Juan Forero - is an abysmal reporter, incessantly critical of Chavez while giving a remarkably easy ride to Colombia (the last report I heard from him on Colombia, within the last six months or so, made no mention of human rights violations, intimidation, ongoing repression). He characterizes Chavez's complaints against American imperialism as if U.S. economic and political domination of Latin America were some drug-induced hallucination by frenzied Bolivarian revolutionaries.

Forero's principle complaints against Chavez, aside from his efforts to buy his people's love with "showers" of social benefits, were that:
  • Chavez supported FARC, the guerrilla group operating in Colombia, according to the Colombian government (now there's a reliable source) and "interviews with former Colombian guerrillas" - or interrogations, perhaps?
  • Chavez had nasty friends, like Iran and Syria (and Bahrain? And Saudi? Oh, right ... those are our friends.)
  • He called people names. (That never, ever happens here.)
NPR is not alone in this. It's pretty much everywhere, even on MSNBC's Rachel Maddow show (Maddow described Chavez as "clownish" I believe). NBC seems hyper-focuses on Venezuela's oil, what's going to happen to it, why that makes the country so important, etc. I think embedded in that rhetoric is the root of all this animus towards Chavez. Yes, he had some dictatorial tendencies, but he was certainly not a dictator. They despise him because he wouldn't play the IMF game; because he was independent of Washington, unlike previous Venezuelan regimes. As with Cuba and Haiti, they hate him because he took Venezuela away from them. It's got nothing to do with "democracy" and everything to do with empire and money.

If no one else will say it, I will. Rest in peace. Best of luck, Venezuelans ... there's trouble ahead.

luv u,



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