Roll with it.

Whoa, incoming! Keep your heads down, my good friends. Here comes another one! Man, that was close ... too close.

Another day at the Hammer Mill Oh, hey out there. No, the Cheney Hammer Mill has not suddenly found itself in the middle of a war zone. (Hell, no, we won't go!) We're just discussing reviews for our last few podcasts. These editorial meetings can get kind of brutal, especially when we start looking at what the public has to say about us. Just take a look at the Twitterscape and you'll see what I mean. We get roasted on Twitter every time we open our mouths ... even when Marvin (my personal robot assistant) makes one of those squeaking noises that just sounds like talking. It's brutal out there!

Okay, so we're thin skinned. That doesn't stop us putting shit out there, friends. That's because we have a deep and abiding sense of mission. Just look at the line up we have on hand here. Take Lincoln, for example - perhaps our greatest president (though not with us this week as he decided to attend the opening of the George W. Bush Presidential Library in Dallas, TX, along with all of the living ex-presidents and his evil doppelganger, anti-Lincoln. And the current president, btw). Talk about motivation! And who can forget Mitch Macaphee, mad scientist extraordinaire, inventor of Marvin, promoter of the interstellar space-time warp, and collector of dark matter, that mysterious substance that comprises most of what we know and hold dear.

No, my friends, we cannot be dissuaded by mere cat calls from beyond the internets. We have an album to finish and a podcast to produce. We are behind schedule on both, and that's okay, because we are determined to finish. HAARUMPH! Right, then. Sorry. I was listening to a Dale Carnegie tape someone left in the forge room a few decades ago. Sometimes that stuff gets into you head, like the earworm from hell. Anywho, we are basically finished mixing Cowboy Scat: Songs in the Key of Rick - that much is true. We've got another episode of Ned Trek in the can. Our THIS IS BIG GREEN podcast will be posted by the end of the month. Projects, projects, projects.

I don't know ... maybe it's time for a tour. Any takers?


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