That's strange.
I think that's the last of it. Packed tight, top to bottom. Nice job, lads. Okay ... pop the nose cone back on. Time to light this candle!
Oh, howdy. Yup, we're getting ready to embark on our upcoming interstellar tour in support of our album, Cowboy Scat: Songs in the Key of Rick, which as been a absolute drug on the market down here on earth, but is selling much more briskly in outer spaaaaaaaaaace. Seems like extraterrestrials are totally ready for satirical country-western, mock-pop, found sound records like ours. Who knew?
Now if they only adopted some kind of currency that is convertible into our own. Right now they're paying us in photons. No, really. Every month, we get a box full of light in lieu of a royalty check. Try taking that to Chase Bank. I can't even get mortgage backed securities in exchange for that stuff. Still, it's worth something on Aldebaran, and that's all that counts ... if you live on Aldebaran. (We usually resort to doing all our shopping out there, as it happens.)
Some of you are probably wondering whether it's safe for us to venture beyond the protective atmosphere of mother earth in such a ramshackle looking spacecraft. I totally get that. The thing is, we have assurances from Marvin (my personal robot assistant) that if anything goes badly wrong in the icy vacuum of space, he will be responsible for the consequences. Knowing how risk-averse Marvin has always been, that fills me with confidence. My bandmates look a little nervous, sure, particularly after hearing about the comet ISON, which is in the process of rounding the sun as we speak.
Will we escape ISON's enormous coma of deadly gasses? Are they indeed deadly as I just claimed just a few key strokes ago? Answers to these and other questions await our liftoff in FIVE .... FOUR ... THREE ... TWO ... days.
Oh, howdy. Yup, we're getting ready to embark on our upcoming interstellar tour in support of our album, Cowboy Scat: Songs in the Key of Rick, which as been a absolute drug on the market down here on earth, but is selling much more briskly in outer spaaaaaaaaaace. Seems like extraterrestrials are totally ready for satirical country-western, mock-pop, found sound records like ours. Who knew?
Now if they only adopted some kind of currency that is convertible into our own. Right now they're paying us in photons. No, really. Every month, we get a box full of light in lieu of a royalty check. Try taking that to Chase Bank. I can't even get mortgage backed securities in exchange for that stuff. Still, it's worth something on Aldebaran, and that's all that counts ... if you live on Aldebaran. (We usually resort to doing all our shopping out there, as it happens.)
Some of you are probably wondering whether it's safe for us to venture beyond the protective atmosphere of mother earth in such a ramshackle looking spacecraft. I totally get that. The thing is, we have assurances from Marvin (my personal robot assistant) that if anything goes badly wrong in the icy vacuum of space, he will be responsible for the consequences. Knowing how risk-averse Marvin has always been, that fills me with confidence. My bandmates look a little nervous, sure, particularly after hearing about the comet ISON, which is in the process of rounding the sun as we speak.
Will we escape ISON's enormous coma of deadly gasses? Are they indeed deadly as I just claimed just a few key strokes ago? Answers to these and other questions await our liftoff in FIVE .... FOUR ... THREE ... TWO ... days.