Claiming the veep.

Interstellar Tour Log: March 25, 2014
Out in the Ort Cloud neighborhood.

Big GreenHear that click? That was the sound of our spaceship doors locking. This Ort Cloud is a rough neighborhood, so best not to take any chances ... now on the last leg of our Interstellar Tour 2014, which we undertook to boost sales of our latest album, Cowboy Scat: Songs in the Key of Rick. A dubious endeavor, to be sure, but one worth at least a thimble of sweat, and we have certainly given it that - with the exception, of course, of Marvin (my personal robot assistant), who is incapable of perspiration. (Smoke comes out of that sucker, but only when it's very hot.)

Anyway, we're taking a brief diversion from our tour schedule to lay claim to the recently discovered deep space object known simply as 2012 VP (or "Biden"), a dwarf planet in a very wide orbit around the sun, way out here in Ort-ville. Hey, so what the hell, we're staking out our claim, by virtue of the Extraterrestrial Homesteaders Act of 2047, which technically hasn't been enacted yet ... unless you are a time traveler, of course. Not saying we are, but we could be ... and we have known a few in our time. Trevor James Constable, for instance. But I digress.

Interstellar Tour Log: March 28, 2014
On the surface of Dwarf Planet 2012 VP.

I claim the Veep for Big GreenRocky landing. We weren't here five minutes before someone got the idea of sending Marvin out there to plant the Big Green flag - the one friend of the band Leif Zurmuhlen made for us back in the day. Hey, well ... it's a little icy out there, so Marvin took a couple of tumbles before finding a spot flat enough to accommodate a flag on a stick. There's no atmosphere to speak of, so we asked him to hold the free end of the flag while we snapped a picture or two. When we get those back from the pharmacy on Neptune, we'll share them with you? (Yes, another episode of Luddites in space.)

Okay, so ... this is an open invitation to come and visit us on what I'm calling Dwarf Planet BG 2014. Take that, NASA.


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