Plan ahead.

Is that where I left it? Oh, Jesus. Well ... I'll have to pick up another one, then. It'll be long gone by now. Bloody inconvenient.

Work harder, not smokier.Oh, hi. Yep, I left my hand-carved walking stick at the bakery again. Second time this month. Last time, some old guy walked off with it ... and yes, he was older than ME. Not exactly an heirloom, you understand. It's actually just a branch that fell off the poplar tree in back of the Cheney Hammer Mill, by the canal. I cut some bits off of it, peeled back some of the bark, and voila! Cheap crutch.

Not that I need a walking stick. Fact is, I've been trying to stay close to the Mill as we plan our next interstellar tour. Nothing particularly ambitious, you understand - just a couple of the major star clusters, maybe a jaunt out to Aldebaran. (Matt's not real crazy about that last one. The gravity's a little strong for his taste.) I've asked Marvin (my personal robot assistant) to crunch some numbers on possible itineraries that might result in, I don't know, a few extra shekels in our pockets. There's some smoke coming out of his head, so he must be working on it. Good man.

Where's the next episode of THIS IS BIG GREEN? Still in development, my friend. These things take time, particularly when you've got as full a plate like yours truly. Suffice to say that I am straining myself to the limit simply taking these few moments to write this post. Our production manager, the mansized tuber, is literally hitting me over the head for that script. Yes, tubey - I'm working on it! (Pssst ... Don't tell him I'm not.) It should be another extravaganza, perhaps unprecedented in its sheer stupidity. But don't take my word for it .... Take .... someone else's. Not sure where I was going with that.

Well, better get back to work. I'm typing, Tubey! Can't you hear me typing??!


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