Where's my show?

Okay, so ... where is that script again? Not written yet? Jesus. That useless scriptwriter. Why the hell do we use him, anyway? I should just do it myself. What's that? Oh ... I am the scriptwriter this month? Right. Never mind.

Well, if you're wondering where this month's episode of THIS IS BIG GREEN is, um ... apparently, I haven't written it yet. Actually, in point of fact, I haven't finished writing it yet. Why? Funny story, actually. We've been a little busy this past month, what with the arrival of Spring and the advent of extreme weather, out of control vulcanism, and occasional lapses in gravity. No, wait ... that's what's happening on my favorite sci-fi show. I meant to say, with the discovery of a new element and the isolation of the Higgs ... Ooops, that's what's happening in the physics research lab. What's really keeping me from that script is ... well ...

You know what happens, right? You have something to do, and two months to do it. And you think, hell ... I don't have to start right away. I have stacks of time, right? A week passes, then two ... before you know it, the deadline is looming and you've done NOTHING. Okay, to be fair ... I shouldn't say YOU when I mean ME. There's no dressing it up, I'm afraid. I am a lazy freak, shiftless as the day is long. When I think of my serial failings, oooooh, it makes me so MAD!

Not how I roll.Right. Glad I got THAT out of my system. Actually, I have done a draft of the next Ned Trek episode. I've submitted it to my copy editor - Matt Perry. I'm HIS copy editor. We edit each other's work, cutting bits out, adding stuff in, until we're left with god knows what. That's why our episodes seem kind of, well, thrown together. That's the creative process at work, my friends. The chaos goes in before the name goes on.

Then there's the songs that go with the show. We're still in production, after a fashion. Our sessions are brief and frenzied, but occasionally productive. Matt yanks out a guitar and starts strumming. I pound on the piano. The wheels turn slowly, but they turn ... so keep your eyes peeled.


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