Friends and enemies.

Our friends the Saudis are planning to execute a woman for being a dissident. It's a little hard to imagine how you can be a woman in Saudi Arabia and NOT be considered a dissident, but there you have it. The method will be beheading, which, as I recall, Trump decried furiously during the 2016 campaign as an aberrant ISIS tactic drawn from the middle ages - no one has seen this in centuries! Actually, it's the preferred method of execution in one of your favorite dictatorships, Mr. Trump. Still, it's hard to blame the president for this relationship; we've been cozy with the Kingdom for decades, regardless of what they do, often bending our own foreign policy to suit their tastes (as long as it remains within the narrow limits of our own imperial policies).

New leaders, same old handshakeWhy? Is it just oil? Well, that's a complicated issue. Sure, Saudi Arabia wouldn't have been the center of attention for so long if their chief export had been nutmeg. Their ample supply of easy-to-extract, cheap-to-process crude oil was famously described by our policymakers as a source of enormous strategic power and perhaps the greatest material prize in the history of the world. But it's that "strategic power" that is the key, as I've mentioned previously in these pages. We didn't need Saudi oil in the 1950s and we don't need it today, but we do need to have influence and a potential veto over it to maintain our leverage over other nations.

So Saudi is our "friend", despite the fifteen 9/11 hijackers, and Iran is our "enemy". Iran is Saudi's enemy for a range of reasons, not least among them the fact that Saudi has a sizable Shia minority which they fear may be emboldened by a strong Iran. So that puts the Kingdom on the side of the U.S. government and the Israelis (another "friend"). Both Israel and Saudi would love to see us send our troops into Iran ... because that's what friends are for? It sounds chaotic to describe in this brief fashion, but there is a cold imperial logic to this framework - one that opposes secular Arab nationalism, opposes Shia resistance in all of its forms, and supports the enrichment of key U.S. based industries; namely fossil fuels and military technologies, both heavily subsidized by American taxpayers.

So it should come as no surprise that Trump supports an extremist state that beheads its citizens and flies planes into our buildings. In this sense, he's a real traditionalist.

luv u,



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