Inside September: The Concert That Wasn’t
What are we calling it? A mini concert? No, that’s too diminutive. A midi concert? Nah … that sounds like I’m running everything with a sequencer. How about a nano-concert? After all, Anti-Lincoln loves peanut butter and nano sandwiches. That’s as good a reason as any.
Well, as usual, your friends in Big Green are putting the cart before the horse. in fact, we’ve gone so far as to actually put the horse in the cart and start pulling the cart around with our teeth. We’re giving him a fun fun horsey ride, only now we’re all going to need orthodontic care and neck braces. But I digress.
What I’m really trying to say (and failing miserably) is that our September THIS IS BIG GREEN podcast includes a solo performance of some six Big Green songs, and instead of coming up with a snappy name for that performance, we just dropped it into the grand pachinko machine known as the internet and left it for you, our listeners, to decide what the hell is going on.
So, well after the fact, we are offering this modest guide to the September Podcast and the six songs I played on acoustic guitar and piano:
Round Up
This is a song I wrote in the mid nineties after hearing a story about a rowdy, racist ATF get-together known as the Good Ol’ Boys Roundup. It’s a bit about that actual party, but really more about the racist culture of law enforcement writ large.
Hey, Caveman
My illustrious brother Matt wrote this song in the 1990s. The title is a callback to an incident in the eighties, I believe, when a friend of our hollered “Hey Caveman” out a second story window to a passerby on the street (a man in robes with a large staff, no less).
Do It Every Time
A solo version of a song from our second album, International House. Features some fancy guitar work (NOT) by yours truly.
Meet Me in the Middle
A song I wrote just prior to the COVID pandemic, phase one, when a lot of people were hoping for a bridge of kindness between the two imaginary peaks of Kilimanjaro. This one I actually play on piano, which is an instrument I’ve actually played before. No prior release on this one, though I did do a semi-proper recording of it.
Johnny’s Gun
Another song from International House, this time with gravy. This is a song I wrote after a mass shooting in Brookline, Massachusetts back in 1994. A guy named John Salvi shot up an abortion clinic. The song isn’t really about Salvi – more just about our culture of violence, how we celebrate it in some contexts (i.e. war) and revile it in others (mass shootings at home).
Rich Man
This is an old song, from probably around 1986 or so – maybe the first Big Green song I ever wrote. Another not-previously-released number, along with Meet Me In The Middle, Roundup, and Caveman.
That’s the story, Morey. I have videos of these performances and will post them on our YouTube channel by and by, so that you can see how ridiculous I look when I’m trying to play a guitar and sing at the same time.