Song listlessness.

Did you look in the silo? Okay. How about the forge room? No? Then take a look, for crying out loud. Not a moment to spare.

Well, I am proud of myself. It took all weekend, but I pulled together an exhaustive list of all of the songs Big Green has ever written, from our very first days to the present. Yes, I left out the future, but two out of three isn't bad. Besides, predicting the future is hard. Don't know if you noticed. That's why we leave it to people like Kreskin ... and Criswell. (You remember Criswell, right? Criswell predicts!)

Trouble is (and there is always trouble here at the abandoned Cheney Hammer Mill) Now that I've completed the list, I ... well ... can't find it. I would describe it to you, but you probably won't find it either ... unless you have a gift of prophecy, again, like Criswell. Well, I don't have a mentalist here at the mill. Though it's fair to say that most of our entourage are mental, in the colloquial sense. My only resource in situations such as this is Marvin (my personal robot assistant), who most assuredly does not have a gift of prophecy, but he does possess some of the finer qualities of a bloodhound when it comes to finding lost things.

Amazing!How do you sniff out a list? Not sure. He took a look around the courtyard. No luck. He did turn up some promising papers in the forge room, but alas, they were forgeries. Another twelve hours of exhaustive search and I will resort to recreating the list from scratch. That part's easy. Just start from "Sweet Treason" and work your way forward. (That original recording of Sweet Treason is a little scratchy, come to think of it.)

Why am I undertaking this seemingly pointless task? Well ... not sure. When you've got a lot of songs and even more time on your hands, you try to find ways of busying yourself. Maybe when I finish the list, I'll just sit in my room and play our entire canon from beginning to end. Probably about 300 songs, but that's a wild guess.



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